Utility Business Services

Chris Walsh - Utility Business ServicesI really appreciate all the work Natura Solutions has done for us over the course of several major projects with UBS. Their talent, creativity, and technical abilities were repeatedly demonstrated throughout each engagement. I was particularly impressed with their ability to listen, evaluate, and negotiate our business needs and then formulate solutions which were successfully developed and implemented.

Scott Sinclair led the web implementation effort for UBS' customer information system - a very large mainframe-based application designed specifically for the utility industry. This high-profile project impacted all areas of this mission-critical application and our technical requirements presented many design challenges. Scott leveraged his vision and experience towards successful completion, testing, and implementation of deliverables that exceeded our expectations.

I can honestly say that Scott has broadened my technical and analytical skills and added real value to our application. He introduced many innovative concepts to our technical design which both improved and expanded the system while at the same time challenged many of our programmatic assumptions. Thank you for that!

Should you require it, I would be glad to act as a reference for you. I hope that as our application evolves that we will be able to work together again in the future.

I would be more than pleased to talk personally with anyone considering engaging him for upcoming work.

Chris Walsh
Chief Technology Architect
Utility Business Services, Inc.